The normalization of Relief Clauses of the Law in China has not been completely set up, so we should normalize the relief clauses in the format contract from the angle of legislation, judicature and administration, on the basis of legislative experiences in the world. 规制免责条款法律制度在我国尚未建设完备,应借鉴各国立法经验,从立法、司法、行政等方面对我国格式合同免责条款加以规范。
A Probe into the Normalization of Relief Clauses of the Law 规制免责条款法律制度的探讨
Administrative punishment informing system is a prior relief system for administrative punishment that is established in the form of law clauses for the first time. 行政处罚告知制度是我国首次以法律形式确立的一项行政处罚事先救济制度,是我国行政处罚制度的一项重大改革。